THIS IS FOR THE MAY 15th Blog Catalog
Humanitarian Project...
"Amnesty International is thrilled to be a part of Bloggers Unite for Human Rights," "Bloggers Unite for Human Rights is a great way to harness the power of the Internet to fight injustice and make the world a better place."
There are any great human rights organizations all over the world, but if you would like to know something about our Amnesty International, please visit http://www.amnestyusa.org
for more information.
Currently, Amnesty International is working to stop the abuse of internationally recognized human rights in over 150 countries and territories. The organization won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1961.
Here is a wild idea!
Maybe we should have A UN that is actually a
World Organization with the support and power
to make humanitarian decisions with out all
the politics and bullshit.
No Negotiations - You mess with the safety, health or rights
of any citizens of the Planet Earth - They kick your ass
and fix the problem.
Have not figured out yet who the "They" will be...
Any Ideas for us?
Enough talk already. Lets have some solutions and actions.
Either the super powers close their borders and
just take care of their own citizens and problems,
pull out all their military and
money contributions and just let
"them" clean up their own messes
and or destroy themselves --
Or we all go in and clean house
in a revolutionary way the world has never seen before.
Enough young folks all fighting and dying for all the
wrong reasons. Enough starvation and disease while
the rest bitch about the poor taste of their wine or the
steak is over cooked.
Maybe it is time for the 40 days of ---- ? Wash all the
crap away and start over?
Billions are spent on useless projects or ideas to feed the
ego of the powerful and greedy. Let them all go homeless
for a month to see if it gets their priorities in life in
a more perspective light of what really is important.
Why not leave behind a legacy that shows that there were
those foot prints in the sand of humans that helped humanity.
Boy, Billy Virgo's mind is racing like I'm on the Speedway Track
and have no brakes to stop :)
RIGHTS ISSUES THAT Amnesty International
Human Rights In China:
China has long promised to improve its human rights record for before the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics. Instead, there has been a crackdown on peaceful dissent in Tibet, prominent human rights activists, and media. Today, China human rights record is worse than it was before they made their promise.
China currently holds the world record for the largest number of imprisoned journalists and cyber-dissidents. One of the most prominent stories includes journalist Shi Tao, who is serving a 10-year sentence in a Chinese prison for sending an email! On May 15, you can do something about it.
Call for the release of Shi Tao and other prisoners in China.
Urge your U.S. representative to press the Chinese government to release Shi Tao and others who were jailed simply for their legitimate use of the Internet.
Ask Yahoo Not to Violate Human Rights:
Yahoo! helped put Shi Tao in prison. They provided information to the Chinese Government, which led to his unjust imprisonment.
Illegal Detentions at Guantanamo Bay:
Since first detainees arrived on January 11, 2002, the U.S. detention facility at Guantánamo Bay has become a global symbol of U.S. human rights violations. Infractions have included: illegal detention, denial of fundamental legal rights, and torture. The only proper recourse is to close the detention facility.
Amnesty International calls for detainees held at Guantánamo Bay, other U.S. facilities, and secret CIA sites to be charged and given fair trial before independent and impartial tribunals such as U.S. federal courts. Tearitdown.org is Amnesty International’s global initiative to end illegal US detentions. On May 15, you can do something about it.
Sign the tearitdown.org pledge
and ask your readers to do the same. Only action and attention will end the illegal detentions at Guantanamo Bay.
Crisis in Darfur:
One of the worst atrocities and abuses of human rights in the world today is taking place in Darfur, Sudan. The conflict in this country has led to the worst human rights abuses imaginable — the systematic and widespread murder, rape, abduction, and displacement of peaceful citizens.
Hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed in deliberate and indiscriminate attacks by both sides of the warring factions. Today, more than 2.5 million civilians have been displaced in the Sudan. On May 15, you can do something about it.
Write about the human rights abuses taking place in Drafur
and ask your readers to take action for the people of Darfur.
They have no voice so the world has to their voice for them.
If you have a Blog --
You can share your Views with the World as well...
YOU review the Facts and YOU decide what YOU feel is
the right things to do!
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