Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hope for a Better Time

Hello Everyone!

Billy Virgo sends his best wishes to the world
for a New Year filled with Good health, Prosperity
and for more Peace among humanity.

We are being swamped with tons of Bad News
on the TV everyday. Battles still rage,
Financial Crisis, Human Rights issues,
natural and manmade disasters... will it
ever get better?

Each individual can make a difference if we
think and act in a positive way in our daily
life. Our "Energy" multiplied by many can
spread around the world and touch those in

Take the time to be Encouraging, supportive,
caring, giving and kind to one new soul each
day or week and see how much better YOU will
feel in your daily Life.

We must believe in better times for mankind
and our planet. Learn to be kinder and to
share with all people from all cultures and
beliefs. Speak, Write and Act so that you reach
as many people as you can. Be it a small town
or a big city, you can make a difference!

Man must take responsibility for our actions
and find a way to make Peace - to Share our
Knowledge & Wealth with others so as to
Survive as a planet and for all humanity.

If you are feeling down during these hard times,
then look in the Mirror and say out loud:
"I am a good person & I Deserve better
by doing my share of good!"

Then stand straight & tall, shoulders back,
your back straight, a smile on your face and
get out there to Help & Share with others.

One small action of kindness can spread like
a wildfire if we all do our part to make our
world a better place to live in "2009"...

We have the god-given talents and tools to
make all things a better and happier place
as we share our space with others.

The time has come for man to act!

Don't sit on the sidelines and let others
decide your / our destiny - let Your Voice
be heard once and for all - Now is the Time.

Yesterday is a cancelled check, Today is
Cash and Tomorrow is a Promisary Note. So
act Today & Spend the Cash!

What ever talents you have - Let your
Needs and cares be heard...Dance it, Sing it,
Write it, email it...Just Do Something.

I hope all my ramblings of today maybe touch
even one kind Soul so that they may start
to be one of us that will make a difference
so we all may enjoy a better World filled
with Good-Will" to all mankind.

Kindest Regards,

Billy Virgo

As For Saving our Planet & Wildlife,
Please Visit:

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